OnePlus remained pretty firm in releasing Android 15 OS for it’s supported devices. We have seen, the 2023 flagships including OnePlus 11 5G, OnePlus 11R got updated to latest firmware now it seems OnePlus 10 Pro has joined the club. OnePlus started rolling out Android 15 update for OnePlus 10 Pro in India. The update is live at the time we are writing this post, carries software version NE2211_15.0.0.401(EX01) running OxygenOS 15.0 on the top and weighs in around 3.33GB.
The change log of the update is identical for all the supported OnePlus devices receiving OxygenOS 15. We have also mentioned the release notes of the update. The update brings significant UI improvements along with several new features some of them includes, AI Retouch, Ultra animation effects, AI Notes, Live Alerts, Flux themes and more.
Brief list of features added in the NE2211_15.0.0.401(EX01): You can see each feature in details here
Ultra animation effects
Introduces the industry’s first parallel rendering architecture, offering parallel response and unified rendering to elevate multi-app switching to a new level.
Luminous rendering effects
Optimizes the rounded corner design by standardizing its specifications and extending the application of a continuous curvature.
Flux themes
Introduces new flux themes with a huge collection of high-quality themes. Customize them with system wallpapers and photos for your unique touch.
Live Alerts
Adds a new Live Alerts design that is focused on the visualization of information, offering better information display efficiency.
Photo editing
Introduces globally reversible photo editing capability that remembers the settings for your previous edits keeping the creative flow uninterrupted.
Floating Window and Split View
Introduces new Floating Window gestures: pulling down a notification banner to bring up a floating window.
Notifications & Quick Settings
Adds the Split mode for the notification drawer and Quick Settings. Swipe down from the upper-left to open the notification drawer.
OnePlus Share
The new file transfer capability with iOS devices, easily connecting and sharing files through OnePlus Share.
Now you can easily share live photos with nearby iOS devices.
Battery & charging
Introduces “Charging limit” to stop charging at 80% to extend battery lifespan and slow down degradation.
Privacy protection
Improves Private Safe with the new categorized browsing features for images, videos and documents, making it easier to manage private data.
The update will be available in North America and Europe next week, as it is currently being rolled out via OTA in India. If you own a OnePlus 10 Pro and live in India, you can expect the OTA update to arrive on your device soon. You can also manually check for the update if it’s available. Head towards Settings >> System >> Tap System updates.
Our recommendation: Given the size of update it’s better to download it via WiFi or good volume data package. The official updates never erase or restores the device but it is recommended to make a secure backup of your device before heading towards the update process.
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